Thursday, September 3, 2009

My First Post

Finally after years and years of thinking whether I could do a good writeup, I have landed here in the blog world today. Like everyone of you I'm also a regular blogger. I regulary read blogs, though my comments are very less. Also I have thought that these are only for people who have an inclination towards writing. Though I studied in a good convent school and I'm capabale of writing some good English I didn't step forward on most occasions. Somehow after thinking for so many years today I broke the ice and here I'm.

Well to talk about me..

I'm in the US and leading a life like any desi.I was working as a software engineer till a yr before. I quit my job as I thought I should enjoy some good time with my daughter while she was rolling over for the first time, taking her first steps, speaking her first words

Are you thinking on what this blog would be all about. To be frank I too dont have any specific idea now. But for sure there would be some mouth watering recipes. My mother and grandmom are 2  excellent cooks. So obviously I should definitely have a passion towards cooking. My father is like any other father, he never allowed me to do anything else other than to sit in a corner and study. During my early days(when my dad is not around) I often sneak into the kitchen and help my mom by surprising her with some subzis(But the real reason for me going to the kitchen is to escape from studies). Nowadays, as I'm at home I'm getting a lot of time to explore food recipes and try them.
When I was noting down the list of recipes that I could share with u all, to my surprise I arrived at a long list. So I think I wouldn't disappoint u for another few more months.
My other passion is  books. I usually like to read a lot of novels. However in by childhood buying a book turned out to be very expensive for a person coming from a middle class family.There weren't any free library in our hometown. So my exposure to books were very restricted. But here in the US u could find big libraries one for each town. They also have an excellent collection of books. And they are for free for the residents(though we pay a lump sum of amount as tax every month). Of late I'm reading lot of novels. U could also find my reviews on the books I read here.
I hope I entertain u with my blogs.
Please give ur 'Thumbs Up'!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi wel come to bloging world. Hope you enjoy bloging. thank you so much for your nice coment in my blog.
